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Here is the information for the 2021 SCEC Annual Meeting. 

Worship on January 24th: Online celebration of the Holy Eucharist live streamed to Facebook and YouTube Holy Eucharist at 9:30A.M. (with Home Holy Communion Pick-up from 11:00-11:30A.M.)


Annual Meeting time and location: 1PM to 2PM on Zoom, meeting lasting about 60 minutes.


What happens at an annual meeting (aka, why should I attend?) Once a year we gather to elect members to our Vestry (board of directors of the parish), to elect delegates to Diocesan Convention, to receive the financial report from the previous year and the budget for the year to come, to celebrate our ministries in the past year, and look ahead to where Jesus is calling us to follow him in the year to come. We also welcome new friends and members who have arrived in the past year at our annual meeting. In general this is a time of celebration and reminder of our unity in the mission Jesus calls us to at SCEC.


We will also be electing three delegates and two alternates to represent SCEC at the annual diocesan convention on Friday and Saturday November 19-20, 2021. This is generally held in person at the Westin Hotel in Lombard, although in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic there was a one day online convention on Saturday of the scheduled weekend.

How do I know if I am a member of the parish (SCEC)? According to Article VII Section 4 of SCEC bylaws parishioners eligible to vote at any annual or special meeting of the Parish are as follows: “All baptized persons of the age of sixteen years and upwards, who regularly attend the Public Services of the Church in the Parish, and are recognized members of the Congregation by the Rector and at least one of the Wardens, or if there be no Rector present, by two Wardens, and whose names appear on the books of the Parish Treasurer as having contributed by pledge or otherwise to the funds to meet the expense or other obligations of the Congregation during the six months immediately previous to the meeting, and who in addition declare themselves conscientiously attached to the Doctrine, Discipline, and Worship of the Church.”



Here are the necessary documents for the Annual Meeting:


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