Our History
Until 1948 St. Charles’ Episcopalians worshipped in Elgin, Geneva, Batavia, and Aurora. Under the guidance of Rev. Gowan C. Williams, Rector of St. Mark’s, Glen Ellyn, a small committee of Episcopalians in St. Charles accepted a gift of $1,000 as part of the Bishop’s Advance Fund. Bishop Wallace E. Conkling used the money to purchase a house at 515 Walnut Avenue for the new Mission Church. 34 original parishioners signed the charter on September 14, 1948 – Holy Cross Day. As “rood” is the Anglo-Saxon word for “cross,” the church was called Holy Rood Mission.
An altar came from Cathedral Shelter, the cross was borrowed from the children’s chapel of a parish in Kankakee and used brocade curtains became the dossal curtain. As work was needed to make the house ready to work as a church, the first services were not held until December 12th. The living room and dining room were converted into the Sanctuary. The first Thrift Shop was opened, and over the years helped provide funds for the growing new church.
A building fund campaign letter in 1950 stated that “…it was time for a permanent and attractive” church to be built. Mr. & Mrs. L.J. Norris presented the mission with the property on N. 5th Ave. Groundbreaking with services were held at the exact site of the future altar on May 20, 1951. On October 1st The Rev. Frederick Ludtke was appointed priest-in-charge. Bishop Conkling dedicated the new church as St. Charles Church after Charles I, King of England, and installed Fr. Ludtke as rector on May 11, 1952. A new rectory was built on the property in November 1958. On September 18, 1962, Bishop Gerald F. Burrill came to see the burning of the mortgage and consecrated the church.
After 10 years of using the rectory for Church School classes, on June 23, 1968 ground was broken for and addition to the church building, which would include a parish hall, kitchen, library, offices, and church school rooms.
On the 25th anniversary of the church in 1973, the membership of St. Charles Episcopal included 158 families, with 532 members. Fr. Ludtke retired 11 years later in 1984.
History of Following Rectors
The Rev. John McCausland 1985 - 1992
The Rev. Steven Winsett 1993 - 1998
The Rev. William Nesbit 2000 - 2014
The Rev. Stacy Walker 2017 - 2022
Information was taken, in part, from the bulletin of our 25th anniversary celebration.
St Charles Episcopal
By the Numbers
Sandwich Board (a.k.a. Soup Kitchen) – began in 1985
Hesed House assistance – began in 1985
Ludtke Scholarship – established 1985
BS Troop 25: 1958 – 2021
EFM: 1988 – 2022
Cursillo: 1991 – 2013
St. Patty’s Day Luncheon –began in 2002
Recorded sermons – began in 2007
Men’s Group – began in 2007
Free Spaghetti Dinner – began in 2008
Healing Prayer Ministry – began in 2010
Salvation Army Bell Ringing – began in 2012
Fox River Valley Initiative – membership began in 2013
The Order of the Daughters of the King, St Catherine of Siena chapter: established November 2013