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We gather together


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A service sung by our choir, leading all in attendance to join us singing praise to our Lord. This service includes:

All baptized Christians are welcome.

Baptisms, Confirmation, Weddings, and other services as needed.

Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Holy Days

Classical Holy Eucharist

A traditional service

Sung Holy Eucharist is a conventional celebration using the Book of Common Prayer as our guide. The celebrant sings many parts of the service. Our parish choir, accompanied by the organ, leads the congregation in singing hymns, chanting the psalms, and also offers to God choral anthems of praise and thanksgiving.  Holy Communion is integral to this service with lay Eucharistic ministers and acolytes of all ages assisting the priest in service at the altar.

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Holy Communion

All baptized Christians are welcome

All baptized Christians are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Gluten-free wafers are available as well as grape juice; please make your need known to the minister. If you wish to receive a blessing rather than communion, please indicate your choice by folding your arms across your chest when you are at the altar rail.

Holy Communion


Baptisms, Confirmation, Weddings,
Morning prayer, Taize, and other

Baptisms and weddings are integral parts of our community life at St. Charles Episcopal Church. Please call the main office at 630-584-2596 for more information about scheduling a Baptism, wedding or funeral.

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Our pets are an important part of our lives, and each year we bless them in a ceremony in honor of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi on the first weekend in October. Location varies from the church grounds or offsite locations.


Christmas, Easter, Advent, Lent, and Holy Days

Christmas, Easter, Advent, Lent, and Holy Days are special times at St. Charles Episcopal Church, moving through the liturgical year with celebrations, prayers, and traditions to accompany each season.

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Advent is the four weeks of preparation for the birth of Christ on Christmas Day. A special Advent wreath is prepared with four candles; one more candle is lit as each week passes. The highlight of our Advent season is our choir hosting Advent Lessons and Carols, on a Sunday afternoon, early in December.


Christmas is celebrated on the evening of December 24th, and the morning of December 25th. 

Lent is a season of penitence and fasting  in preparation for the observance of our Lord's passion and resurrection. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts 40 days until the beginning of Holy Week. We mark Ash Wednesday with services in our sanctuary and with Ashes to Go in the morning for commuters and community members at the Geneva Metra Station.


Holy Week begins with Palm and Passion Sunday, beginning with Jesus' triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, and ending with His death on the cross. We mark this week with a service on the evening of Maundy Thursday in remembrance of the institution of the Lord's Supper, the last meal Jesus shared with His disciples before his passion. We also gather for services on Good Friday, the day that Jesus was crucified and died. 



Easter Sunday is the primary feast of the entire Church year. On this day we celebrate the day of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. Jesus has triumphed over death for all of us through His death and His resurrection, and we are raised with Him to newness of life. The Eastertide season lasts 50 days, culminating with Pentecost. Pentecost is the day on which the Church celebrates the empowering gift of the Holy Spirit.  


994 N 5th Ave.

St. Charles, IL 60174





Office Hours:

Mon - Thur: 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM

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© 2025 St. Charles Episcopal Church

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