"Feed the Hungry"
Our parish has a long history of feeding those in need. We welcome all who would like to join us in preparing and serving food to contact the leaders of each ministry.

Free Spaghetti Dinner
FSD began in 2008 in response to the recession. "Two Guys" wanted to be sure everyone in the area had a hot meal at the end of the month, when funds were often depleted. Guests came to a sit down, home cooked meal where they were served; no going thru a cafeteria line here. All were invited for the food and fellowship, no matter what their circumstances. In 2020 the evolved group had to tackle the COVID crisis, and resolved to continue serving using a drive-up service. Meals were prepackaged and safely delivered to cars in the back parking lot. We have gone from feeding fewer than 50 meals at a time to serving over 200 in the last 15 years. We have returned to serving both inside and carryout on the last Sunday of every month.
Contact Dallas at (630)222-5489 for more information.

The Sandwich Board
Hosted at Trinity Episcopal Church in Aurora, The Sandwich Board has been serving lunch on Thursdays to those in need for 38 years. St. Charles Church currently assists 6 times a year by making bagged lunches; the indoor serving of hot meals was halted in response to the pandemic.
If you would like to help with this ministry, please contact Deacon Steve. (deaconsteve@stcharlespiscopal.org)

Our affiliation with Hesed House is the longest feeding ministry partnership that we have, at over 30 years. Once a month we assist at Hesed House in Aurora by serving a hot breakfast and sending guests out for the day with a bagged lunch. Contact Ed Manning if you are interested in helping. (ekmanning5@gmail.com)