Covid-19 Update: Regarding Indoor Mask Mandate
February 28, 2022
Dear Friends,
Our Vestry met yesterday to discuss changes in Covid-19 protocols at St. Charles Episcopal Church (SCEC) now that the Illinois state indoor mask mandate has ended. As of today masks are recommended but not required to be worn for indoor activities at SCEC. While the risk of Covid-19 transmission in our county is currently low, we are still living with this virus in our community. Please continue to practice the following:
If you do not feel well, or are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, please stay home.
If you have been exposed to someone with Covid-19, please stay home and follow current health department recommendations for testing.
Practice good hand hygiene and avoid touching your face.
Please respect each other’s choices regarding wearing a mask or not wearing a mask.
Please respect each person’s choices about shaking hands or hugging, and do not take it personally if someone declines a physical gesture of care and friendship.
Also, please keep in mind, friends, that if we experience another Covid-19 surge, we may very well be returning to mandatory masking while indoors. We will continue to follow the policies of the Diocese of Chicago and the Illinois Department of Health for guidance on best practices.
We will resume coffee hour in Ludtke Hall on Sunday, March 6th after the 8:30A.M. and 10:45A.M. services. Coffee Hour is currently being co-chaired by our Junior Warden, Regan Jancauskas, and Kathy Mertes. Please contact them for further information.
Free Spaghetti Dinner will remain carry-out only until further notice.
We will not schedule any other large-scale indoor community dinners at this time.
Processions with the choir will resume on Palm Sunday (April 10). This delay is due to the need for acolyte volunteers and training. It is also appropriate to resume festive processions on Palm Sunday, and not during Lent. If you are willing to serve as an acolyte, please contact Rev. Stacy Walker and Regan Jancauskas for more information.
Holy Communion will not be administered from a common cup at this time. We will be moving to individual wine and grape juice cups from a tray, and communion wafers (including gluten-free) as soon as our new vessels arrive. We will not be using a common loaf at this time.
We will resume passing the offering plates at the offertory.
At the passing of the peace, we ask that you continue to respect each person’s comfort level for exchanging physical gestures such as handshakes and hugs.
Thank you for your patience, faithfulness, and respect of our decision making process here at SCEC.
In Christ,
The Rev. Stacy Walker, Rector
Diana Brown, Senior Warden
Regan Jancauskas, Junior Warden